Normal mode tutorial

Normal mode is where you will spend most of your time.

You can scroll up and down pages using k and j, and left and right with h and l; gg takes you to the top of the page and G to the bottom.

H and L navigate backwards and forwards in history.

Use . to repeat the last action.

Many keypresses in normal mode take you into another mode. t, for example, puts you into command mode prefilled with the command for opening a new tab; F puts you into hinting mode to open a link in a background tab; gi focuses the first text box on the page and allows you to press Tab to switch between text boxes.

Tridactyl uses a similar notation to Vim for keys with modifiers: <C-x> means press Ctrl, tap x, release Ctrl; i.e. Ctrl-x. <C- almost always means a literal Ctrl key, even on Macs: <M- means the Meta ("splat") key. The exception is when describing default Firefox binds for Macintosh: then <C- means Meta. This arises most often for find mode where the <C-g>, <C-G> and <C-f> default binds are all in fact <M-g>, <M-G> and <M-f>.

Useful normal mode keybinds

All the keys in normal mode are bound to commands; for example, j is bound to scrollline 10. If you are ever curious as to what a key sequence does in normal mode, you can simply use :bind [keys] and the command line will tell you to which command they are bound.

Browser-wide binds

By default, there are three browser "mode" binds: <C-,> to :escapehatch, and <C-6> and <CS-6> to :tab #. These binds are accessible in all modes and anywhere within Firefox - even on pages where Tridactyl cannot run. New browser mode binds can be added with :bind --mode=browser [ex command]. Note that any ex-commands which require access to the page you are on will fail to run if Tridactyl does not have access to that page. The best thing to do is to try it and see.

There are quite a few caveats with these binds - see :help bind for more details.

Unbind the binds with unbind --mode=browser [key].

The next page will explain how to use some of the various hint modes. This time try ]] (guess the next page) to follow the link.