This file contains functions to manipulate the content of textareas/input fields/contenteditable elements.

If you want to bind them to keyboard shortcuts, be sure to prefix them with "text.". For example, if you want to bind control-a to beginning_of_line in all modes, use:

bind --mode=ex <C-a> text.beginning_of_line
bind --mode=input <C-a> text.beginning_of_line
bind --mode=insert <C-a> text.beginning_of_line

Also keep in mind that if you want to bind something in insert mode, you'll probably also want to bind it in input mode (insert mode is entered by clicking on text areas while input mode is entered by using gi).

If you're looking for command-line only functions, go there.

Contrary to the main tridactyl help page, this one doesn't tell you whether a specific function is bound to something. For now, you'll have to make do with with :bind and :viewconfig.



Const backward_char

backward_char: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart) => [null, selectionStart - 1, null],)

Behaves like readline's backward_char. Moves the caret one character to the left.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const backward_kill_line

backward_kill_line: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {// If the caret is at the beginning of a line, join the linesif (selectionStart > 0 && text[selectionStart - 1] === "\n") {return [text.substring(0, selectionStart - 1) +text.substring(selectionStart),selectionStart,null,]}let newLine// Find the closest newlinefor (newLine = selectionStart;newLine > 0 && text[newLine - 1] !== "\n";--newLine);// Remove everything between the newline and the caretreturn [text.substring(0, newLine) + text.substring(selectionStart),newLine,null,]}),)

Behaves like readline's backward_kill_line, i.e. deletes every character to the left of the caret until either the beginning of the text is found or a newline character ("\n") is reached.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const backward_kill_word

backward_kill_word: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {const boundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, selectionStart, true)if (selectionStart > boundaries[0]) {boundaries[1] = selectionStart// Remove everything between the newline and the caretreturn [text.substring(0, boundaries[0]) +text.substring(boundaries[1]),boundaries[0],null,]} else {return [null, selectionStart, null]}}),)

Behaves like readline's backward_kill_word. Deletes every character from the caret to the beginning of a word with word being defined by the wordpattern setting.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const backward_word

backward_word: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart) => {if (selectionStart === 0) return [null, null, null]const boundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, selectionStart, true)return [null, boundaries[0], null]},)

Behaves like readline's backward_word. Moves the caret one word to the left, with words being defined by the wordpattern setting.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const beginning_of_line

beginning_of_line: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {while (text[selectionStart - 1] !== undefined &&text[selectionStart - 1] !== "\n")selectionStart -= 1return [null, selectionStart, null]}),)

Behaves like readline's beginning_of_line. Moves the caret to the right of the first newline character found at the left of the caret. If no newline can be found, move the caret to the beginning of the text.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const capitalize_word

capitalize_word: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) =>applyWord(text,selectionStart,selectionEnd,word => word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1),),),)

Behaves like readline's capitalize_word. Makes the initial character of the word the caret is in uppercase.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const delete_backward_char

delete_backward_char: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) => {if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) {text =text.substring(0, selectionStart) + text.substring(selectionEnd)} else {text =text.substring(0, selectionStart - 1) +text.substring(selectionStart)}selectionStart -= 1return [text, selectionStart, null]}),)

Behaves like readline's delete_backward_char, i.e. deletes the character to the left of the caret.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const delete_char

delete_char: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) => {if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) {// If the user selected text, then we need to delete that instead of a single chartext =text.substring(0, selectionStart) + text.substring(selectionEnd)} else {text =text.substring(0, selectionStart) +text.substring(selectionStart + 1)}return [text, selectionStart, null]}),)

Behaves like readline's delete_char, i.e. deletes the character to the right of the caret.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const downcase_word

downcase_word: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) =>applyWord(text, selectionStart, selectionEnd, word =>word.toLowerCase(),),),)

Behaves like readline's downcase_word. Makes the word the caret is in lowercase.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const end_of_line

end_of_line: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {while (text[selectionStart] !== undefined &&text[selectionStart] !== "\n")selectionStart += 1return [null, selectionStart, null]}),)

Behaves like readline's end_of_line. Moves the caret to the left of the first newline character found at the right of the caret. If no newline can be found, move the caret to the end of the text.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const forward_char

forward_char: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart) => [null,selectionStart + 1,null,])

Behaves like readline's forward_char. Moves the caret one character to the right.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const forward_word

forward_word: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {if (selectionStart === text.length) return [null, null, null]const boundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, selectionStart, false)return [null, boundaries[1], null]}),)

Behaves like readline's forward_word. Moves the caret one word to the right, with words being defined by the wordpattern setting.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const insert_text

insert_text: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd, arg) => [text.slice(0, selectionStart) + arg + text.slice(selectionEnd),selectionStart + arg.length,null,],)

Insert text in the current input.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const jumble

jumble: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) => [jumble_helper(text.slice(0, selectionStart) + text.slice(selectionEnd)),selectionStart,null,])

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const kill_line

kill_line: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {let newLine = text.substring(selectionStart).search("\n")if (newLine !== -1) {// If the caret is right before the newline, kill the newlineif (newLine === 0) newLine = 1text =text.substring(0, selectionStart) +text.substring(selectionStart + newLine)} else {text = text.substring(0, selectionStart)}return [text, selectionStart, null]}),)

Behaves like readline's kill_line, i.e. deletes every character to the right of the caret until reaching either the end of the text or the newline character (\n).

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const kill_whole_line

kill_whole_line: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {let firstNewLinelet secondNewLine// Find the newline before the caretfor (firstNewLine = selectionStart;firstNewLine > 0 && text[firstNewLine - 1] !== "\n";--firstNewLine);// Find the newline after the caretfor (secondNewLine = selectionStart;secondNewLine < text.length && text[secondNewLine - 1] !== "\n";++secondNewLine);// Remove everything between the newline and the caretreturn [text.substring(0, firstNewLine) + text.substring(secondNewLine),firstNewLine,null,]}),)

Behaves like readline's kill_whole_line. Deletes every character between the two newlines the caret is in. If a newline can't be found on the left of the caret, everything is deleted until the beginning of the text is reached. If a newline can't be found on the right, everything is deleted until the end of the text is found.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const kill_word

kill_word: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {const boundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, selectionStart, false)if (selectionStart < boundaries[1]) {boundaries[0] = selectionStart// Remove everything between the newline and the caretreturn [text.substring(0, boundaries[0]) +text.substring(boundaries[1]),boundaries[0],null,]} else {return [null, selectionStart, null]}}),)

Behaves like readline's kill_word. Deletes every character from the caret to the end of a word, with words being defined by the wordpattern setting.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const next_line

next_line: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart) => {const leftNewLinePos = text.slice(0, selectionStart).lastIndexOf("\n")let widthif (leftNewLinePos!==-1) {width = selectionStart - leftNewLinePos} else {width=selectionStart+1}const rightNewLinePos=text.indexOf("\n",selectionStart)let positionif (rightNewLinePos==-1) {position=text.length} else {const nextRightNewLinePos = text.indexOf("\n", rightNewLinePos + 1)if (nextRightNewLinePos == -1 || rightNewLinePos + width < nextRightNewLinePos) {position = rightNewLinePos + width} else {position=nextRightNewLinePos}}return [text, position, null]})

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const previous_line

previous_line: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text,selectionStart) => {const leftNewLinePos = text.slice(0, selectionStart).lastIndexOf("\n")let width = 0if (leftNewLinePos!==-1) {width = selectionStart - leftNewLinePos} else {return[text, 0, null]}const previousLeftNewLinePos = text.slice(0, leftNewLinePos).lastIndexOf("\n", selectionStart)let positionif (previousLeftNewLinePos + width < leftNewLinePos) {position = previousLeftNewLinePos + width} else {position=leftNewLinePos}return [text, position, null]})

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const rot13

rot13: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) => [rot13_helper(text.slice(0, selectionStart) + text.slice(selectionEnd)),selectionStart,null,])

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const tab_insert

tab_insert: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) => {if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) {text =text.substring(0, selectionStart) +"\t" +text.substring(selectionEnd)} else {text =text.substring(0, selectionStart) +"\t" +text.substring(selectionStart)}selectionStart += 1return [text, selectionStart, null]})

Behaves like readline's tab_insert, i.e. inserts a tab character to the left of the caret.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const transpose_chars

transpose_chars: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input((text, selectionStart) => {if (text.length < 2) return [null, null, null]// When at the beginning of the text, transpose the first and second charactersif (selectionStart === 0) selectionStart = 1// When at the end of the text, transpose the last and second-to-last charactersif (selectionStart >= text.length) selectionStart = text.length - 1text =text.substring(0, selectionStart - 1) +text.substring(selectionStart, selectionStart + 1) +text.substring(selectionStart - 1, selectionStart) +text.substring(selectionStart + 1)selectionStart += 1return [text, selectionStart, null]},)

Behaves like readline's transpose_chars, i.e. transposes the character to the left of the caret with the character to the right of the caret and then moves the caret one character to the right. If there are no characters to the right or to the left of the caret, uses the two characters the closest to the caret.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const transpose_words

transpose_words: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart) => {if (selectionStart >= text.length) {selectionStart = text.length - 1}// Find the word the caret is inlet firstBoundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, selectionStart, false)let secondBoundaries = firstBoundaries// If there is a word after the word the caret is in, use it for the transselectionStartition, otherwise use the word before itconst nextWord = wordAfterPos(text, firstBoundaries[1])if (nextWord > -1) {secondBoundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, nextWord, false)} else {firstBoundaries = getWordBoundaries(text,firstBoundaries[0] - 1,true,)}const firstWord = text.substring(firstBoundaries[0], firstBoundaries[1])const secondWord = text.substring(secondBoundaries[0],secondBoundaries[1],)const beginning =text.substring(0, firstBoundaries[0]) +secondWord +text.substring(firstBoundaries[1], secondBoundaries[0])selectionStart = beginning.lengthreturn [beginning + firstWord + text.substring(secondBoundaries[1]),selectionStart,null,]}),)

Behaves like readline's transpose_words. Basically equivalent to [[im_transpose_chars]], but using words as defined by the wordpattern setting.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean

Const upcase_word

upcase_word: (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any) => boolean = wrap_input(needs_text((text, selectionStart, selectionEnd) =>applyWord(text, selectionStart, selectionEnd, word =>word.toUpperCase(),),),)

Behaves like readline's upcase_word. Makes the word the caret is in uppercase.

Type declaration

    • (e: HTMLElement, arg?: any): boolean
    • Parameters

      • e: HTMLElement
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns boolean